I miss you!

Hi. Long time no see! I just wanna say that I miss my friends a lot. Hey you, blog buddy, plurk buddy, flickr buddy, or yahoo messenger buddy, or whoever.. I miss you!! Let’s have fun again! Let me know if you decide to back to those social media!

As we grow older, we might have more responsibilities and tasks but they won’t burden us to have such fun. So, live a life you will remember! Work hard, Have fun, No drama!

Saus Gravy untuk Aqilla

Nyam nyam nyam..sedep sekali rasanya saus gravy buatan bunda.. alhamdulillah akhirnya kesampean juga bikinin Aqilla saus gravy. Dari dulu udah mupeng, lirik2 resepnya di group hhbf di fb, tapi bahan2nya blm lengkap terus. Nah setelah beli eloo/extra light olive oil barulah malemnya dieksekusi. Saus gravy ini cocok untuk topping makanan. Bisa dituang diatasnya mashed potato, pasta, bubur ataupun roti. Praktis karena bisa dibekukan di freezer untuk penggunaan lain waktu.

Gak sengaja bangun jam 12 malem, iseng2 langsung ngobok2 kulkas dapur. Aha, semua bahan sudah lengkap, so mari let’s go!

1 siung garlic, cincang
1/2 bawang bombay
2 sdt eloo
Segenggam daging giling
120 ml air
120 ml kaldu sapi
1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
1 wortel, potong kecil
1 sdm maizena, dilarutkan dg sedikit air.

Pertama tumis bawang bombay dan garlic sampai lemes dan harum. Masukin daging, masak sampai berubah warna. Masukkan air, kaldu, daun bawang, wortel. Aduk, tunggu 15 menit/sampai wortel empuk dan matang. Tutup. Masukkan larutan maizena, aduk hingga kental. Angkat, dinginkan. Blender semua sampai halus, masukkin ke ice cube tray. Simpan di freezer. Selesai.

Mudah2an Aqilla doyan yaa.

Kiss kiss.

Hello Seattle

Hello Seattle

(Adam Young)

Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer
In the hills and highlands
I fall asleep in hospital parking lots
And awake in your mouth

Hello Seattle, I am a mantaray
Deep beneath the blue waves
I’ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound
And construct a summer home

Hello Seattle, I am the crescent moon
Shining down on your face
I will disguise myself as a sleeping pill
And descend inside of you

Hello Seattle, I am a cold seahorse
Feeling warm in your sand
I sing about the tide and the ocean surf
Rolling in the evening breeze

Hello Seattle, I am an albatross
On the docks and your boats
I sail above your inlets and interstates
Through the rain and open wind

Hello Seattle, I am an old lighthouse
Throwing beams of bright lights
Red in the morning, blue in the evening sun
Taking heed from everyone

Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer
In the hills and highlands
I fall asleep in hospital parking lots

Take me above your light
Carry me through the night
Hold me secure in flight
Sing me to sleep tonight

Take me above your light
Carry me through the night
Hold me secure in flight
Sing me to sleep tonight

Someday…..cu there! :mrgreen: